Friday, February 7, 2014

Meet Our Uganda Team

Here are the members of the Uganda team.  Read their story, connect with them through this blog even if you don't know them, pray for them, and rejoice with them as they travel.  Some have blog links imbedded in their notes below.  Check them out for some fun pictures along the way as we are able!

Pastor Tom and Sherry Sanderbrink

Tom and I are so excited to be leading this crew to Israel and Uganda. We have both had the privilege of visiting both of these places in the past. The first time I visited Uganda it was such a miracle. I was writing in my journal one morning during devotion, I wrote in my journal whatever you want me to do Lord that's what I want to do. I will go to Africa wherever you want. Guess I thought Africa was the longest shot. Two days later I get a phone call , the person calling says "Hey Sherry you want to go to Africa". Well how could I say no. Little did I know God had a way bigger plan. When I got back from my trip, I was so excited what God had done on this trip. Our team got together for dinner upon returning, with our families, it was at this time Tom felt the Lord wanted to use our little fellowship in Lebanon to do a work in Uganda. It's amazing what He has done already. Last year Tom went and taught a 4 day pastor's conference twice as many pastors as we expected came to the conference. We are excited to return and bring teaching materials and the word of God to the pastor's once again. This time returning with a crew to help in the work. Not only will we bring resources to the pastor's we will be helping in the Hope Orphanage, visiting a hospital and praying for the sick. This will be a life changing experience for all involved. Just as Uganda is life changing so is Israel, walking where our Lord walked . Each person will not read their bible the same again. This will be a awesome experience for everyone.
Shawnna Richards
 Married to Bill Richards for 25 years, and Mom to Ryan, 18 and Kristin 15.  If you had asked me a few years ago to go out of the country where I had to have shots, take pills to not get malaria, and not be able to drink the water, I would have said "No Way"!! However, when Pastor Tom was in Uganda at the last Pastors Conference, I was blogging for the church and the excitement that filled me as he sent his updates was incredible!  It was then, that God put it on my heart to go.  I committed to go shortly after Pastor Tom returned home,  but then had doubts.  However, God calmed those doubts with a devotion that spoke to me just the day I almost said "No I wasn't going"  It said "How will you ever know what I have in store for you if you never leave your comfort zone?"  This spoke to me for weeks, and I realized if God wanted me to go he would calm the fears, and make my goals attainable.  He has gone above and beyond, plus, as a bonus to Uganda I get go to Israel to walk where Jesus walked.  I pray that I will never be the same.  I ask that you pray for not only our team, but our families here at home while we are gone. It's tough to be a Mom and away from home...but I know too, God will bless this time.  Blessings!!

Check out Shawnna's BLOG HERE

Stan and Sonie Badgley

Shortly after Sonie and I lost our spouses, I started attending a home group at her house. It wasn’t long and I gave my life to Christ. Sonie and I have known each other for over 25 years and a few months after we started dating, we were married. Pastor Tom asked us if we would like to go to Israel and Uganda with him and a few others. We really wanted to but didn’t really see how we could leave our responsibilities here at home. We prayed about it and it wasn’t long and God answered our prayers! We’re pretty sure that this is what God planned for us from the very beginning. It so amazing how God works if you have faith and put your trust in Him! We actually get to go to Israel and see these places that are written about in the Bible and to walk where Jesus walked! And Uganda!! I know our stay there is going to change both of us.

Debbie Reagh 

I'm a 57 year old widow, I have three grown children all married, and I've been blessed with 13 grandchildren. I have also been blessed with the chance to go on this missions trip. I am still pinching myself to see if it is real. We have 2 more weeks, I think about going to Israel, walking were Jesus walked and I cry. I know it's all God, and I'm very thankful to go. As far as Uganda goes, I've always wanted to work with orphan kids, far back as I can remember, Mike always said, I had a soft heart and would bring them all home, but just want to make a difference in one life, because mine is already being made different. I'm open for change, so lets go and have a blessed time.

John Jayne

Married to Brooke Jayne  for 18 years and we have 4 girls. Emma 12, Moriah 10, Sarah 6 and Mileah 4. I have always wanted to visit Israel and over the past few years have had the desire to go on a mission trip. Several have come up, but none have ever worked out for me to be able to go. When this years trip was announced, circumstances were such that we did not think I would be able to go. But after a couple of months the circumstances changed and through God's grace I am now going to serve God's people on the other side of the world. I am very excited to see what God has for me and the team to do, and to see what God does in us through this trip.

 Erick Hendricks

God has truly changed the direction of my life and led me to serve Him in ways I never thought myself worthy or capable of! And the beautiful truth is that I am neither, apart from Him. His spiritual gifting, calling, and strength in my life have made me who I am today, and I desire to continually live in dependance upon God, loving and serving Him daily, whatever that may look like is up to Him! I have long had a desire to travel in general, and though I was not planning or seeking to go on our Israel/Uganda missions trip originally, God simply blew the doors wide open. I was asked to help teach at the Uganda pastors conference and various other churches throughout the area, so I am studying and praying that God will give me His words! I simply want to be used to share the specific messages and the love of Christ to all that we meet on our trip. Can’t wait to fellowship with my brothers and sisters I have yet to meet. I know God will do amazing things among us! 

John O'Leile

Smack dab in the middle of a family of 6 kids and having great parents who taught me to follow Gods leading in my life, led me recently to Child Evangelism Fellowship where I have taught children for the past 1 1/2 years. I have absolutely loved the the opportunities God has given me.   Upon  hearing pastor Tom was going back to Uganda with a team I immediately wanted to go. God had put a desire in my heart and he was going to back it up all the way.                     

Being only 16 years old, this trip is a major step in my walk with Christ. I am extremely exited about what God is going to do in and through my life.    
6 months ago I didn't have a clue how I was going to be able to go, but God blessed above and beyond what I ever could have hoped, and as I said He "backed it up all the way".

Dani  Barnes

Hi all! My name is Dani, I am the ripe old age of 27 and so excited to go on this trip! My amazing husband  Jon will be here with our 4 beautiful kiddos while I am gone! We have 2 girls and 2 boys. Peighton 7, Gunner 5, Nova 3 and Marek 2! I have always ALWAYS wanted to go on a missions trip, but it just had never been the right time or season. So why not now, when I am a stay at home mommy of 4 who home schools? Perfect timing right??! :)  I have wanted to go to Uganda for the last 2 years but when Pastor Tom came back last year and was telling us he wanted to take a team I could feel God pull on my heart strings. I knew he was talking to me. I started the fundraising process and have been blessed the entire time! God put things into place I could have never ever imagined! I have an amazing husband, family and friends who will all be home taking care of my babies!  The only way I could have ever made this trip is with God pulling all the strings. I also have a blog going that you can check out that I will update as much as possible while we are gone!! Can't wait to share testimonies and show all the pictures!! God is good all the time!  

Check out Dani's BLOG HERE! 

Amanda McDowell

Hi, I’m Amanda.  I’m 23 and right in that space between college and (oh no!) the “real world.”  I just graduated, but am training to start tutoring writing in the fall.  In this mission trip, God has provided a tremendous opportunity to try my wings in mission work (which is where I really want to invest my life), be involved in blessing some of His people, and see something beyond my native Pacific Northwest.  Just in the fundraising God has taught me so much about faith and what it means to be part of the Body of Christ, and I can’t wait to see what He does during this trip.  

Check out Amanda's Blog Here!


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