Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The PIG Event

I don't think we've had a more fun event at LCC than the Pig Roast. Saturday evening during preparation was a blast. Kids watching pigs in the vat, guys prepping fire, guys hanging out together, worship, smores, pig wrapping, and tag in the dark. All these things are fun times when sharing with others.

We gathered around 7pm, watched the guys bring the pigs in the vat in.
The Kids were so excited and piled in the back of the truck as they "discussed" whether what they were looking at was "real'. The conversations going on in the back of the truck was priceless. I almost wish we could have watched more of the process, but not sure some of them would have understood....although they didn't have any trouble looking at anything dead!

The kids had fun playing night tag, and hide & seek. As worship started, everyone gathered around the fire to have smores, and sing as they enjoyed marshmallows, smores, and treats that were brought. What a great time worshiping our Father.

While all this was going on, they guys were prepping the pigs for the fire.

Of course they were having fun doing it, Nick & Jean-Luc in their EA's as Bill was teased about baptizing a pig, so of course they all had fun with that. Bill the Baptist. I know that God has to have a good sense of humor.....as those guys were having a great time, and loving on each other at the same time. What a great time.

We all got a lesson from Gene on pig wrapping, Nick & Jean-Luc in their EA's, and John on brick layering.

Many people all helped to put this together. Many thanks!!
Guys wrapped the pig in soaked banana leaves, then foil, then clipped it all together with welding rods.....as the zip ties weren't going to cut it in the heat...and we forgot the wire! As the pigs got tucked in for the night, they hung out while the fire roared down to some hot, hot coals.

About 10, everyone started heading out....except our fire crew, who stayed until the fire had burned down enough to get the pigs on. Next came rocks on top of the coals, pigs wrapped in soaked burlap and lowered into the ground, the dirt covered over top. Now to cook for the next 6-8 hours. Thanks guys for hanging out and getting the pig on for us!

About 8:30 AM on Sunday....guys reconvened at the property to dig up the pigs.

Once loaded, they were transported over to the school where the BBQ was held due to threatening rains. There were lots of helping hands to cut up these pigs, and get them prepared for lunch. It smelled amazing as they unwrapped the pigs from the banana leaves, and tasted even better. YUMMY is the only word to describe this feast. Topped off with all the yummy side dishes and desserts that arrived, we think there were over 300 that got to partake of this feast!!

Enjoy the pictures....and if you missed it...we'll be sure to do another next year. Don't miss it!

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