Monday, July 5, 2010

Food, Fellowship & Fireworks 4th of July 2010

Sunday morning was beautiful--and the perfect weather for an outdoor service. It was a special morning--a special day--a day of announcements, a baby dedication, and later-- food, fellowship & fireworks!

First...the fun!

Dylan came up first, and had everyone look at their bulletin----

Then, he had everyone look at Pastor Tom's Shirt----

The outcome------

Sorry, Pastor Tom...we had to do it. We can't wait until next weeks color coordination!

Now--the Announcements!!


Dylan & Ali Smith--Heading up our Jr High Youth

Troy & Aubree Tocher--Heading up our Sr High Youth
Chad & Claudia Kerlegan--Heading up our Young Adult (Married & Single) Group as well as our new Spanish Ministry.

After the announcements we had the dedication of Gabriel Thomas Wilson. What a blessing to add another to our Calvary Chapel Family.

Later in the evening, we all met back at the property for a BBQ. Dogs & Burgers were on the grill, salads and beans lined the tables, as well as desserts...and boy does this fellowship like desserts! There were MANY people there. No official count, but the 350 plates we had (and ran out of) were an indication that there were a lot of people there!

The worship team played some great tunes, and we enjoyed their music. Well done guys. A special guest appearance from a Ukrainian turned American singer wannabe Alyona, who did a great job with Troy.

Thanks to all of you who worked to give us some great music. After everyone was full, we headed over toward the highway to watch the kids as they shot off the fireworks that they had brought. It was very neat to watch the excitement and happy faces!

Shortly thereafter, the display started, and there were lots of oohing & ahhing....if you missed the display, be sure to catch some of them at the end of the slide show. And certainly, don't miss the slide shows!

Thanks to all who made this such a success, to all those who set up, served, cleaned up and helped out in any way. We appreciate you!

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